NAEYC Conference (part 2)

Hey there!
Check out part one of my Atlanta Journey here!



Day 4, Friday, was Student Spirit Day! I took advantage of it and went to the free breakfast (alone since everyone else was sleeping) and met some other students there! They had a poster presentation later in the day so I talked to them about that, their school's program and other stuff. It was really nice to meet some other students, because the rest of the time it did feel like we were the only ones there...

This also happened to be the day of my second presentation (though I participated in three studies we worked on, I only presented my thesis and the math study since our TIMPANI toy study presentation was during my thesis presentation).

We gave our presentation about Math Talk and how it affects children's learning and it went really well. There were a lot of people there and they asked thought provoking questions, and overall it was just a great experience. We each got to talk and share our thoughts and people seemed really impressed. One lady even walked up to us at the airport days later to compliment us on our presentation!

I would like to defend my attire, as this was our official math talk study research team shirt, I just happened to be the only one wearing it, while the other girls all dressed up all nice... though I was the only one there on time since they did not know that the bus didn't run during the day and they ended up running five blocks in heels... But other than that all went well haha.

Later, I went back to the Expo with one of the teachers, and we met Clifford! It was definitely the highlight of my trip!


Our last day in Hotlanta was super fun. I went to more sessions, including one on using fairy tales to promote resilience in young children from families with substance use disorders.
I met some amazing teachers - one of whom works at a school for the Deaf, which is one of my (many, and ever changing) future plans! Shoutout to Audrey for talking to me and giving me such awesome advice!

Sculpture outside one of the buildings!

The BEST part of my trip, though, was getting to see the Center for Civil and Human Rights. I went with one of the teachers and another student. It was phenomenal and I cried the entire time. I highly recommend it to all people, especially those interested in human rights. It was amazingly done, taught me so much, and was very moving.
I also got to take a picture with a waterfall-type thing with one of my favorite quotes on it!

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.

So overall, it was a great trip. I, honestly, was terrified and did have a few breakdowns, but I survived the plane and being gazillions of miles from home and I had a blast.
Thank you so much to the educators who presented - you taught me so much and I can't wait to put these new skills to use in my future classroom.
Thank you, also, to those who attended my sessions. I appreciate your support!
And for those of you reading this - THANK YOU! I appreciate you, as well. And there will be a video of all of these pictures and more coming up soon!

Thanks for reading!
