End of the Year

I am officially done with my first year as a teacher!

It was definitely a learning year. I had a group of kids that was unlike any other, and a year that was unlike any other. The circumstances were definitely not what I imagined for my first year as a classroom teacher. But I survived. So I wanted to do a quick review of my first year and some of the things I learned. So here are my top three takeaways from the year.

1) Not everyone thinks like me.
Yes, I knew this before, but this year really taught me to explain myself. People aren't in my brain so they don't know what I'm thinking. I grew my communication skills and learned how to better share my ideas. I learned how to defend my thinking and explain where I'm coming from.

2) Little things add up.
The little things are important. Celebrate those moments when your student says "nose" for the first time to indicate he needs a tissue. Put in the effort to translate things (even if they're not perfect) so your families can feel included. Point out the things your team members are doing well. All these little things add up to a positive learning environment.

3) I can do hard things.
This year was hard. But I did it. We did it. I had a group of kids with severe needs that I hadn't experienced before. And then we had to practice distance learning for months. I thought I knew what I would do for distance learning, but then as it got extended I had to change my plans. And then I had to figure out how to address the murder of George Floyd and the social unrest with my students who were developmentally very young, and in a town where I wasn't sure how it would be received. But after all of this, I can say I came out of this year knowing more and confident in my teaching abilities.

What are your top three takeaways from this year? I'd love to hear what you learned! Also, check out my end of the year video on YouTube.

Miss D
