Check out the AMAZING company!

I am so happy to announce that I have been chosen to be an ambassador for an amazing company, Gay Pride Apparel.

I get commissions for purchases made through the included links/code. Please see my about me page for more information.

I take pride in who I am and in teaching others to be proud of themselves - whoever that is! As a teacher, my goal is to teach my students to be kind to others and to show pride in themselves. We talk a lot about what makes us each special, so I wanted to share what makes this company special. GPA is run by a sweet couple who puts their customers first. They use sustainable and ethical business practices and have amazing, high-quality products. I currently have one of their flags hanging up in my classroom and I love it! No matter who you are, you'll love the products and the people behind them.

If you want to check out this awesome company, visit and if you decide to purchase something, use the code TEACHTHEPRIDE to get a 20% discount.

What makes you unique? Celebrate it!
