First Student Teaching Update!

Hi there!
Long time no... type?

So I know I haven't blogged in a bit, so I wanted to catch yall up on my life as a student teacher! It's been very hectic, but I love it!
And once my wifi starts cooperating or I am somewhere with better internet, I will upload my vlogs!

Setting up the classroom
I loved getting to help my teacher set up her classroom! It's so cute and the kids seem to love it!

PD and First Day of School

My first week consisted of three days of professional development and two days of school with the kids. Our PD was district wide the first day, then on the second day we did some F&P training, then we had a day of school-wide PD and a meet and greet. At the Meet and Greet, I got to see my new students and explain my role to them and their families!
Once we started school, I helped the teacher manage the class, and followed her around during workshop times. I observed her interactions with students and other teachers.

The week they're calling week 1 even though we had school the previous week (9/5-9/8)

I observed multiple lessons, and co-taught a few. I discussed with my teacher lessons I felt needed to be added (ex. Telling vs Tattling) based on my observations in the classroom - I love that my teacher includes me in her planning!
I completed a read aloud book over multiple days, adding in time to discuss to help with comprehension, make connections, etc. (The kids did not want to stop reading and asked to read more each day!) Also, when I had the kids sit down for reading in front of me, one goes “You’re teaching?! Yay!” which made me happy.

Week 2 (9/11-9/15)

On Monday, we introduced STEM bins for morning work, and I went around working with kids in their groups as they came in, explaining to one child at each group how to complete the activity so they could share with the others. Once kids got working, I went around helping them as needed.

I walked around during our reading and writing workshops, working with kids as needed and completing conferences. I observed some conferences and completed some on my own.

I helped during a growth mindset activity, encouraging kids to find things they could do and focusing on abilities rather than things they couldn’t do yet.
I ran small groups during math rotations. On a particularly tricky lesson, I saw a couple kids were struggling and saw some bingo counters nearby from a previous activity and used them as manipulatives to help explain the concept. I used this with multiple groups when I found them having a hard time. I talked to my teacher about this later and asked if what I had done was okay because I didn't want to step on her toes or anything, and she was really excited about it because I saw the kids were having a hard time and I adapted so she was really proud of me for doing that!
I also had my first class at my university of the semester and went to some meetings/events of my favorite clubs!!

I read a book titled “September 12th” during read aloud. I facilitated a discussion about how even though bad things happen, good things still happen. I covered the topics of September 11th that had been brought up the day before and focused the children’s thinking on good things (the kids in the book still went to school, saw their teachers, etc).
I helped a teacher complete a Conners assessment on a student and later spoke with her family about our thoughts.
I attended and spoke with parents at Open House.

The latter half of the week, I got to do even more...
I ran morning meeting, and helped throughout the day.
I gave the reading lesson and completed reading conferences. I also ran a social studies discussion about community workers.
I read Owl Moon during read aloud.
I ran the small group during math.
I was the lead teacher during the morning while my cooperating teacher attended a professional development meeting. I also helped out as usual during the afternoon.

Read Aloud
Monday 9/11
Observe testing

Observe testing
The Power of Yet
Tuesday 9/12

September 12th

Addition Bingo (small groups)
Small groups
Behavior Management (Secret Student)
Wednesday 9/13
2 conferences
What does it mean to be kind?

Addition Bingo (10 kids)
Small groups - differentiating, support using manipulatives
Secret Student; Morning Meeting; Open House
Thursday 9/14
Using strategies to solve tricky words, conferences
Owl Moon

Small groups - fact families
Morning Meeting; Social Studies
Friday 9/15
Using strategies to solve tricky words, conferences

One-on-one support for child with an IEP

Social Studies, Secret Student

In conclusion,

So yeah... that's my three weeks so far... Once I get to a place with better wifi, I will upload my vlogs/weekly videos!

Catch ya later!
