Setting Up a Classroom in the Summer

 Hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your summer!


As I've entered the world of education, I have learned that school schedules are so different around the world and even within the country. I finished mid-June (early for us because we had so few snow days since having the distance learning option) and do not go back until the end of August (well, that's when the kids go back... I'm not sure when I'll be allowed in the building) so it's so strange to me to see people preparing for back-to-school already, or halfway through their school year. What does your schedule look like? I hope you are using your summer to do whatever fills your bucket, whether that means decorating your classroom or lounging at the pool!

Because I will not be posting any classroom setup videos for at least a couple weeks, I wanted to share some old set up videos with you all. Let me know what you'd like me to include in this year's video series!

Here's my first ever classroom set up video from when I helped my cooperating teacher set up the room I would do my student teaching in:

Here is a setup of my first preschool classroom when I taught summer school:

And here is summer school in another district:

Then I got my first "real" teaching job as a self-contained preschool teacher. Here's the Day 1 of Setup video

Then I found out I was moving classrooms for the next year

And then had to set up an integrated preschool classroom

And now, here we are in July 2021 and I am saving so many ideas on instagram and pinterest for when I have to do my next classroom set up, but for now I'm taking a well deserved break. What sorts of things do you want to see in my next video?

As always, follow me on youtube, instagram, tiktok, etc for more regular updates!


